Friday, 3 October 2014

haPPen tO mE -sEdEkaH-

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

D.U.I.T = Doa Usaha Ikhtiar Tawakkal
bermulanya dengan berdoa untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita rancang walaupun kita tahu Tuhan yang akan menentukan
setelah berdoa, dengannya berusaha pula kita lakukan demi mencapai apa yang kita inginkan
dan pula kita semestinya akan berikhtiar dalam melakukan setiap perkara untuk memastikan capaian digapai
oleh itu sesudah kita berdoa, berusaha, dan ikhtiar dengan jalan Allah Maha Besar, maka bertawakkallah kita kepadaNYA agar setiap doa usaha dan ikhtiar kita tadi melalui jalan yang sebenar2nya untuk mendapat apa yang kita inginkan..

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. katanya :
Bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w. :
"Apabila seseorang telah meninggal dunia putuslah segala amalannya
kecuali tiga, sedekah jariah,
atau ilmu yang dimanfaatkan atau anak soleh yang mendoakannya
Hadis sahih riwayat Muslim

harini aku dapat rasa macam memang Tuhan nak tunjukkan kat aku
kalau dengan sedekah jua lah rezeki kita akan bertambah
mungkin sebelum ni ada tapi aku tak perasan..
harini baru tetiba terfikir macam ni..
mcm biasa masa kat masjid nak solat jumaat aku akan masukkan duit untuk didermakan dlm tabung bergerak
so aku mcm biasa jela
sbb banyak dah aku dgr ceramah kalau psl sedekah ni ckp tiap apa yang kita ada sebahagiannya ada jugak milik orang lain so berbagilah..
so itu jugaklah yang jd pegangan aku untuk kerap bersedekah walaupun sedikit
lepas balik solat jumaat tu biasa jelah then smbil melayan handphone tetiba tertidur sekejap..
petang tu tersedar lepas dgr suara riuh rendah kt luar rumah..
pastu aku pon keluar la then ternampak meja study and kerusi..
rupanya orang kedai perabut hantar..
aku ingat meja n kerusi ni untuk my sister la sbb dia kan cikgu mna tau bg mudah nak buat kerja dlm bilik..
sekali makabah aku tanya la untuk apa beli ni kat mysis..
sekali da mysis cakap ni present in advance untuk aku punye birthday next week..
mysis ckp ingat nak bg nextweek tp aku xda so dia bg awal
btw thank you so much to my words can i describe for this suprise..really appreciate on what you have done to me..much love mysis..
mcm tak caya kan..tang ni aku tak terfikir lg pasal impak bersedekah..
then lepas maghrib td p la pasar malam putriwangsa..
saje je jenjalan sne sbb lame dah tak p
then usai beli belah terus balik
sesambil makan tu myeldestsister ni bg la bal. gaji abahku yang lalu sbb ada masuk dlm akaun mysis tu..
its about 8ty ringgit but mysis bg seratus sbb xde duit kecik
then abahku ckp xpela bg 5puluh je..
so aku ckp dgn mysis eh xpe long xnk t bg dua..
pastu tetiba je duit yg pada abahku tu bg kat aku
1st impression aku xmau la sbb bkn aku xde duit, lgpun aku gurau je dgn mysis tu td..
normal matter kalau dgn aku ade joke in every single conversation..
hehehe tapi kalau its a quiet serious aku be profesional la kan..
lepas aku argue sbb xnak..abah still nk aku mengalah jela..aku ambil jgk..
then from there aku terfikir..
maybe this is happen because apa yang aku dah berbagi td..
so ini aku rasa rezki Allah yang tersangat indah aku dpt sbb 1st time aku sampai terfikir ajaibnya bersedekah..
bukan hanya dapat dua kali ganda akan tetapi berkali kali kali ganda aku dapat in various form..
Syukur sangat aku dpt menikmati mcm ni..
Besar sungguh KuasaMu ya Allah....

kesimpulannya, sedekah adalah salah satu cara untuk kita menikmati cara bersyukurnya kita kepada Pencipta yang Maha Kaya..maksud disini juga bukan untuk mempercayai bahawa dengan bersedekah kita akan dapat imbalan balasan rezki dr segi yang sama..mcm2 lg cara Allah akan balas dgn niat baik kita..btw ini nikmat yang aku dpt harini dan aku bersyukur sekali..akan tetapi why not kita bersedekah walaupun sedikit..susah senang sma2 rasa..insyaAllah ada manisnya pada kita kelak..mcm2 lagi hikmah bersedekah so apa lagi jom bersedekah dijalan Allah..insyaAllah..

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

adDicTed to tHis sOng

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I'm across

Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserved
No better and no worse

I just got lost
Every river that I tried to cross
Every door I ever tried was locked
Oh and I'm just waiting 'til the shine wears off

You might be a big fish in a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come a bigger one

And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Oh and I'm just waiting 'til the firing's stopped
Oh and I'm just waiting 'til the shine wears off

Oh and I'm just waiting 'til the shine wears off
Oh and I'm just waiting 'til the shine wears off

by coldplay - lost

they make me feel im live, im free
even we havin try harder to do something
and we lost at the end, doesnt mean we are failed

most of the songs that brought by coldplay that boost my spirits

just listen..hope you like it tadaaa

Sunday, 8 June 2014

PaiNal eKZem

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

skip dulu pasal trip before..
lets talk about final exam..

okay jadual final pon da tgk la sendiri..hahahha..
wish me luck =)

Thursday, 22 May 2014

mOmeN 2

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

"dikala arus menhanyutkan kamu
bertawakkallah dengan sebaikbaik tawakkal
berharap adanya bantuan daripada Yang Maha Esa"

sorry for the late update..
masa tak mengizinkan giler
senantiasa busy dengan belajar yang tak belajar sangat..
for the 1st time masuk boarding nak naik flight sume
dengan segala bagai perasaan
i'm so exciting nak sampai tempat yang diidamkan sejak dulu

ha kan  ini time da dalam flight
terlebih teruja

about two and a half hours dalam flight so sampai lah kami di 
airport kota kinaballu terminal 1
then p terminal 2 plak nak amik kawan sorg ni..
sian dia naik airasia sesorg
tuler sape soh lambat ckp nak itot..
tp xpe tiket lg murah kann..hahaha

then kami semua tunggu la kereta sewa kami smpai..
hip hip horeyyyy KK here i comes..
-oh miss al the moment there-

sesampai je keta sewa terus kami jalannnnn
the 1st place is here
 1st placed terus p sini..atas bukit..hewhew

ni dia bangunan dot dot dot

 acah acah even tak ngeti nak amek gambar..muahaha
santan kelaut

 sesampai homestay lepas jenjalan

malam kami p sini lak

lepas tu kami p dinner kt pasaq piliping
ramai jgk bebudak mintak2..sorg dapat singgit semua dtg nak mintak gk..
mmg tak dpt jepppp..hahaha

 best cameraman everrr is abg subri
pasaq ape plak eh ni..
banyak souvenirs bole beli kt sini..

lepas puas yg tak puas sangat nak jenjalan..larikkkk balik
memalam bute cari roti untuk bekal plan seterusnyaa...

kemana? tunggu next update..hahahhaha

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

act. malas nak type tapi ada plak idea yg syg nak dilupakan

okay start

on 19th JAN 2014, Sunday, about 10.30am i have start a travel to . . . .
setelah sekian lama tidak menaiki bus started finish up praktikal diploma dulu

i have miss all the moment when started the travel
going by bus go to TBS for the 1st time act.
nakib and i arrived safely about 5 or 6 pm
i'm forget
there was a amazing terminal i have seen
after that we were we have settled all the important things like prayer, eat and relax while waiting for another friend
wait, wait and all about waiting till i'm feel tired
because our appointment that we have met is at 8pm - 9pm there
around 7 o'clock maybe, amat has arrived and meet us..
3 from 6 have met but the rest still not yet arrived
but we were still wait till they come
then pait arrived and we are four, make suggestion to take a dinner while waiting hadi and raja, the leader of the travel
finally they has come during we get the dinner around 10pm or 11pm

so, we started take the train to go to KLIA
to save our budget
from BTS we get off at salak tinggi then to KLIA
 i'm not remember about time to reach from the point to point
then its all about our flight is at 7.30am on Monday
so we must to stay at KLIA to avoid missed airplane
there are to funny when i have trip to anywhere, i must get not really well, i don't know why..hahaha
but i still stand for the travel..hehhehe..
after we get to KLIA we go to checkin our ticket and then we are 'mundar mandir' there..hihihi
this is the 1st time come into airport and we must to sleep funny..hahaha
as usual im with my handphone on my hand even my batt is quick drain
then we get charged at mcD a while
at the moment subri has come to join the team
then around 3am we leave and looking for somewhere to sleep
act sub and raja was seeking the places after they have smoking outside..hihihi
and we have a slept till 6 o'clock
this is the best, funny, amazing moment ever we havin

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

SaKiT kEpaLa piKiaQ

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

no matter how busy i am right now
i still wanna jot down what i feel after two paper i have done around the exam corner

 the technical writing for first paper is a little bit interesting
but i don't have enough time to completely answer the question
overall, its cool

-overview my condition after answering technical writing exam-

today,  i have done second paper for this week where is thermodynamics 2..
its not a quite tough but it too tough
nothing can i said, just i have try my best for the paper

-i am look alike while answering thermodynamics 2 paper-
ohhh bad =(

-this is me after after leaving the examination hall and meeting friends-
~~oh my~~

lets layannnn sedih ni

whatsoever i have give my best for both paper
just stay rely and pray that to get good results
insyaAllah aminn

and now lets focus at 4 paper more to go..
fightinggg =))